Recent update of the light visual ccd curve based in 2430 ccd's-visual observations frome the database MPC/IAU , i calculated the new photometrical's parameters and i have discovered 3 different photometric laws that dominate the general curve photometric comet , the water rate production max. is 4000 kg/sec. log Q ( H2O ) = 10^29.6 mol sec , the mass estimated is log M (kg ) =11.2 , M = 1.1x10^11 kg , diameter calculated D(kms ) = 0.96 . graphic and analysis down .
The general rate production of comet C/2013 US10 CATALINA , ( Jorda et al. 2008 ) [ log Q = -0.8 / n * m0 + C , Result log Q = -3.721 + C ]
I am pleased to announce that I have posted as co-author's work astrophysics comet C / 2011 J2 LINEAR, in collaboration with a group of international researchers in the prestigious journal Astrophysics of Planetary and Space Science publisher Elsevier.
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